Unboxing: Halfling Sharpshooters | Artel W Miniatures

November 30, 2022 by avernos

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Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing of even more of the Brotherhood Of The Nine collection by Artel W Miniatures. This time, we're looking at the 28mm Halfling Sharpshooters that could be used for a range of your Sci-Fi miniature wargames.


Check Out More Unboxings Here

See More From Artel W Miniatures Here

Check Out The Guardians Bundle Unboxing

After having a look at the Guardians, we have a look at the Halflings that they are looking after during their journey through the grimdark future. This would be perfect for those looking to take an ancient relic and throw it into the heart of a dying star.

Could you be tempted by these Halfling Sharpshooters from Artel W Miniatures?

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