Unboxing: Halfling General On Winged Aralez | Kings of War

December 26, 2022 by avernos

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Gerry takes to the skies in  Kings Of War. As he unboxes the Halfling General on Winged Aralez, AKA the Muster Captain, from Mantic Games for use in their 28mm Fantasy massed battle wargame.


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The Halflings army leans into a combined cavalry and infantry build more than other forces with the combined plastic kit. The Muster Captain is a perfect way to support the fast-moving Aralez cavalry, either supporting their charges or keeping a source of Inspiring nearby to keep them from routing too easily. Also with his flight and decent melee he can also be used to hunt warmachines and casters that may be causing you problems in the back line.

What do you think of taking to the skies on a Pegapup?

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