Unboxing: Great War British Army Set – Mitchell’s Marauders | Battlefront Miniatures

July 1, 2024 by brennon

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John dives into an unboxing and review of the British Starter Set for Flames Of War: Great War by Battlefront Miniatures. The Mitchell's Marauders set was re-released recently and with the Battle Of The Somme beginning on this very day (1st July), it seems apt that we should start to look through the miniatures for use in 15mm Historical wargames.


Get Your Own Mitchell's Marauders Set

Check Out More Unboxings Here

Check Out More From Flames Of War: Great War

John has a look inside the boxed sets that you can get from Battlefront Miniatures and select retailers around the world. As well as exploring the different miniatures in the set, he gives a bit of background on them and The Great War.

Have you been tempted to try out The Great War from Battlefront Miniatures?

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