Unboxing: Early War 28mm Germans – May ’40 Miniatures

November 27, 2023 by avernos

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Join Gerry for another unboxing looking at the 28mm World War 2 miniatures from May '40 Miniatures. In this one, Gerry has a look at the German Fallschirmjägers and the SS who were part of the invasion of the low countries during the Early War period.


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These miniatures would fit very nicely alongside the Perry Miniatures range and the miniatures that you get from the likes of Empress. There is a substantial array of different miniatures in the full collection including some rarer weapons for the period.

The SS are already available on the May '40 Miniatures webstore whilst the Fallschirmjägers are coming in as replacements for the older range. Could you be tempted to pick up some of these miniatures for your Platoon-level wargames set during World War 2?

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