Unboxing: Conquest Bearsarks/Ulfhednar Dual Kit | Para Bellum Games

December 11, 2023 by avernos

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In this week's unboxing, Gerry takes a closer look at a dual kit for the Nords with the Bearsarks/Ulfhednar ready to tear up the table and smash through enemy lines in Para Bellum Games' 35mm Fantasy wargame, Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings.


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Born of the ancient hunting lodges of the Nords, the Bearsarks have long been a terror on and off the battlefield, an elite Heavy Regiment blindly charging and unleashing devastating attacks with Linebreaker, they are bound to make short work of all but the toughest opponents.

Fast, savage and deadly, the Ulfhednar close with their opponents with terrifying speed, their twin blades whistling as they carve a path of savage mayhem through the enemy's vulnerable flank, blindly charging and unleashing a true whirlwind of Attacks overcoming even the most determined opponents.

Will you be joining a hunting lodge with the Nords?

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