Unboxing: Altar Of The Dead Gods – Terrain, Rules & More | PWork Wargames

March 25, 2024 by avernos

Gerry dives into an unboxing of the awesome new skirmish game from PWork Wargames. Altar Of The Dead Gods takes Horror, Fantasy and a touch of the Lovecraftian to create an awesome skirmish miniatures game!


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Free Cards & Tokens For Altar Of The Dead Gods

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Gerry takes a look at the rules for Altar Of The Dead Gods itself and explores the different factions that you'll be able to kitbash miniatures for. He also looks at the different accessories you can pick up including the cards, tokens, the terrain and more that you can pick up to play the game.

As well as being able to pick up the cards and tokens from PWork Wargames physically, you can also download them for free. Once you've got yourself a space to play, the world is your oyster!

Will you be diving into the horror-filled world of Altar Of The Dead Gods?

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