Zombie Armies & Alien Invasions Coming To DUST Soon?
March 13, 2015 by brennon
Paolo Parente has revealed a few interesting morsels on what's coming in the near future for the world of DUST. While Operation Babylon still has its problems he seems intent on pushing things forward by announcing not only that the Blutkreuz Zombies might get their own army but also that the alien Vril could be coming too!
This piece of artwork was attached to his comments about a new army focused on the dead and re-animated as a core force in their own right. A cross between Frankenstein's Monster and Wolverine? With that in mind we could be seeing more unique characters and units all focused on bulking out the Blutkreuz as an army.
If Zombies aren't your thing then DUST might also be welcoming the alien Vril to the tabletop in the neat future. Spaceships and Aliens could be threatening not only the Axis but the Allied and SSU as well in a fight for control of the planet.
In the mean time the focus is on the Pacific Theatre as a battleground right now and they should be working on new infantry and vehicles to fill that gap over the coming months. Despite everything going on I'm very excited about the prospect of a Blutkreuz army!
What do you think of the concept art?
"If Zombies aren’t your thing then DUST might also be welcoming the alien Vril to the tabletop in the neat future..."
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Delightful! Must say this wrankles just a little.Triple Field Marshal plus a lot of extras. Dust or BF not be getting anymore from this direction.
Its such a good game and a wonderful concept, just a shame that greed will most likely kill off this great project before it even finds its feet properly
I will not be spending anything on DUST again until the balance of what I am owed from the Kickstarter comes through and is in my hands. The ideas sound nice but I like my existing deals to be honoured by all parties involved.
BTW, that means no Battlefront purchases either until the DUST KS is fulfilled. I can play BGK and other games with PSC and Zvezda 15mm quite happily.
you know it was not dust the took your money, but batlefront.
I had this Kickstarter update this morning: “All information from the factory still points to production being finished on the remaining models by the end of March. We are striving to have an amicable resolution in place by then, so that the rewards will be able to ship without any further delay. It’s too soon to report anything, but we are still hopeful. We do need to make a clarification. In our last update, when we said that we had delivered our portion of the free items, we rather misspoke. We were referring to the books, card packs, tokens, etc… Read more »
If the aliens actually look like aliens and not blue/green humanoids and/or space bugs of some kind like the vast majority of games do I might get in on this as I appreciate the high quality of the models and the game looks like a lot of fun.
The games (plural) are fine, the minis are great and the fluff is a nice mixture of reality, plausible historical extrapolation and out-there sci-fi wossname.
But I am not spending a penny more on any product until I get all that I paid for already. This is a policy I adhere to in all my purchasing.
I agree it’s a great game but I’m not giving either Dust or Battlefront a penny more ever again until they either give everyone what’s owed of the bad taste from all of this goes away! Shame as really original and dynamic minis.
I now quote she who must be obeyed, the better half, or yes dear. Victoria. “We play dust in both games, but are glad we hadn’t done the kickstarter. It would be like us selling a hifi sound system and sending the speakers with no cables and saying that the amp will come in time can’t say when but will come sometime. It’s rubbish if we had run our shops like that with suppliers we would have been in business about two months if that. I (she) feel so much for those who are hanging like that it isn’t fair… Read more »
Zombie Nazis look cool , but like everybody else , I say get the Kick Starter orders sorted 1st . No way am I spending money on this game until the promised goods are delivered
all looks nice and all
but not investing any more money in this game until the present situation is sorted out !