Warploque Offer Up Print & Play ArcWorlde Starter Set For Free

March 23, 2020 by brennon

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Warploque Miniatures has now offered up a FREE Print & Play Two-Player Starter Set for the Fantasy world of ArcWorlde. If you've ever wanted to give the game a go but been on the fence, now is the time to dive in and get playing!

ArcWorlde Print & Play Set - Warploque Miniatures

The set comes with all of the bits and pieces you need to play the game. So, you've got the big ol' Forest Troll plus a Wild Elven and Halfling warband for two players to take control of. One person can even take on the role of the Forest Troll to cause mischief for both sides!

All of the content from the set can be downloaded HERE and you'll also find guides and rules in the mix too which make it easy to simply dive in and give this a go. If you're looking for a nice project to dive into with your friends and family over the next few weeks, this could be it.

If anyone does dive in and print out this set we'd love to see how you brought it to life in the Projects!

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"If anyone does dive in and print out this set we'd love to see how you brought it to life in the Projects!"

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