Warmachine: Tactics Gets Greenlit To Go On Steam
August 31, 2013 by brennon
Warmachine: Tactics, that was extremely successful on Kickstarter has been officially greenlit through the Greenlight process on Steam. The premier way of getting a hold of your PC games will now keep your awesome game of Warjacks and Warcasters safe!
It is certainly looking like a lot of fun and they unlocked pretty much everything they wanted when they ran their funding. Hopefully this means we see the game sooner rather than later and it keeps Warmachine fans busy while they can't get down to the tabletop to play.
I'll be playing as Khador!
can’t wait keeping an eye for every update from this one!
Definately looking forward to this myself.
I’ll power my spells with your soul and send your body to kill your buddies.
All hail Toruk