Terrifying Cryx Thralls Join Steamforged Games’ Warmachine

August 23, 2024 by brennon

Steamforged Games has been previewing some more new miniatures for Cryx and the 35mm scale Fantasy wargame, Warmachine. Some spooky new miniatures popped up that will be joining the Cryx Necrofactorium soon.

Machine Wraith Dominator - Warmachine

Machine Wraith Dominator // Warmachine

First up, we have the terrifying Machine Wraith Dominator which gives another meaning to the ghost in the machine. The Machine Wraith Dominator can use its power to control enemy Warjacks and make them do their bidding. I wouldn't want to be next to a Khador Warjack when it turns on you; a ghostly green look in its eyes.

If you're looking to overwhelm your enemy with bodies then you can also get your hands on the Mechanithrall Swarm which will also be coming soon.

Mechanithrall Swarm - Warmachine

Mechanithrall Swarm - Warmachine

The set looks like it comes with loads of miniatures that you can use to take over objectives and block your enemy from their intended target. The sculpt also looks absolutely superb. The pale skin, the twisted weaponry and the glowing skulls really nail the creepy vibe. I think Cryx are going to be a really fun faction for people to dive into if they'd like to push that spooky vibe.

What do you make of these new creepy Cryx previews?

"I think Cryx are going to be a really fun faction for people to dive into if they'd like to push that spooky vibe..."

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