Steamforged Give Warmachine A Glow-Up & Cryx Sneak Peek

July 19, 2024 by brennon

Steamforged Games has put together a revamp and a glow-up for Warmachine which introduces a brand-new logo design and a look at the new box design. This was also combined with a sneaky look at more Cryx miniatures coming your way.

New Logo - Warmachine

New Logo // Warmachine

The new logo certainly looks smart and should be easy to pick out when you're in your local gaming store. This has been combined with a new set of boxes for your miniatures, handily modelled by some new Cryx releases which are coming very soon.

Cryx Command Starter Set - Warmachine

Cryx Command Starter Set // Warmachine

We got a look at the Cryx Command Starter Set which features the miniatures on the front alongside a lovely colour shift to match the faction. The Necrofactorum collection is looking rather nice indeed and it looks like you're going to get a great set of characters and more for starting out with Cryx.

Cryx Battlegroup Box Set - Warmachine

Cryx Battlegroup Box Set // Warmachine

We also got a look at the Cryx Battlegroup Box Set which is another of your introductory points to the world of Warmachine with a particular faction. They have also introduced codes on the boxes which take you through to information on them as well as how they fit into your collection and what benefit there might be to picking up a particular set.

This also led to us getting a better look at the character from the Battlegroup Box Set...

Discerptor Eviscerus - Warmachine

Discerptor Eviscerus // Warmachine

Here is the deadly Discerptor Eviscerus who finds themselves picking the way through the ruins of battle. Discerptor Eviscerus has a fancy name and he is an ancient collector and forager from long before Immoren was a thing. He now spends his time wandering the battlefield, collecting what technology interests him so that it can be folded into the Cryx Necrofactorium war effort.

Are you going to be picking up the new Cryx miniatures for Warmachine?

"Here is the deadly Discerptor Eviscerus who finds themselves picking the way through the ruins of battle..."

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