Fight In The Devil’s Playground For Warlord’s Pike & Shotte

April 4, 2015 by brennon

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Warlord Games have put together another supplement coming soon for Pike & Shotte called The Devil's Playground which charts the fighting of The Thirty Years War...

The Devil's Playground

More on this particular conflict...

"The Thirty Years War was a series of conflicts that ravaged large areas of Europe, especially the German provinces, from 1618 to 1648. These conflicts centred on the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors, Ferdinand II and Ferdinand III, and their opponents. Although viewed by many as a religious war between Catholic and Protestant nations, its roots and causes were also politically motivated."

This sounds like a fascinating period of time to fight in and you could easily have some big battles and indeed small skirmishes in the streets and brawls and more break out across Europe.

The history, armies, personalities and of course the rules for fighting in this period are all detailed within this tome and of course in typical Warlord style they have a special model for you too!

A Dashing Swordsmen!

See what you think of the man with the most long winded name that most likely befuddles any enemy who is introduced to him...

Count Von Hosenschlange

Count Von Hosenschlange is a master swordsman that will be one hell of a leader for your regiments of lacking lads looking for a spirited boon. I think you could put together some interesting scenarios with Count Von Hosenschlange escaping from the jail of a town and he's rallying the other prisoners to his side while trying to fight off guards all around him.

A dashing end or valiant escape?

"Count Von Hosenschlange is a master swordsman that will be one hell of a leader for your regiments of lacking lads..."

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