Waaaagh! Comes To Life As Forge World Release The Rogue Idol

August 24, 2017 by dracs

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A manifestation of the Waagh! itself is coming to Age of Sigmar as Forge World construct a Rogue Idol for the Orruks.

Rogue Idol

Rogue Idol Scale

The Rogue Idol is constructed by the Orruks out of all manner of detritus, from the crumbling remains of their enemies' homes to substances quarried from the darkest depths of the world, all mortared with a healthy amount of squig manure.

This set is a fantastically orcy sculpt, embodying the savage nature of the race. It even comes with the option to give it a hollow mask.

Rogue Idol With Mask

I love the idea of seeing one of these stomping across the battlefield. It reminds me a lot of the effigies the orcs of Warhammer Fantasy could take to war in the old Storm of Chaos world campaign.

Would you dare to summon one of these from Forge World?

"A fantastically orcy sculpt, embodying the savage nature of the race."

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