Age Of Sigmar Unofficially/Officially Tweaked Already?

July 7, 2015 by brennon

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It looks like a document came through from someone at Games Workshop with some rules to help players get a better grasp of what units should be allowed onto the tabletop for Age of Sigmar. See what you think of it below...

Sigmarites Vs Chaos

So, this helps a lot with the idea of balance when it comes to games. I think a lot of people had twigged on this style of restriction with their games already; but it's nice to see Games Workshop trying to lay down some guidelines.

Age of Sigmar Restrictions

I've already had a chat with a few friends and we can see this being a good rule of thumb to work from for the time being. This seems like the perfect chance for Games Workshop to get back on social media. Weather the storm and get some chatter going with everyone.

What do you think?

"This seems like the perfect chance for Games Workshop to get back on social media. Weather the storm and get some chatter going with everyone..."

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