Check Out The “Wow” Factor From Battleboards’ Recent 40K Orc Boards

January 25, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

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Every once in a while you stumble on something that makes you say, "Wow. Look at that!" This week for me, it's the 40K Orc Boards from Battleboards.

Battleboards orc table

Take a look at the fantastic level of detail they have packed into these interchangeable tiles. No matter which way you connect them, they work perfectly together - which is awesome, so the table can look different while keeping that orcy wreckage theme.

Battleboards orc table2

Battleboards orc table close

These are custom boards (which come at a custom price), so plenty of us will never own boards like this, but a gamer can dream- right?

Battleboards orc table seperated

Besides, it's always nice to appreciate the incredible level of detail someone can capture in their designs.

If you could have any custom board made, what theme would it be?

"No matter which way you connect them, they work perfectly together..."

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