Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Actions Supplement Returning Soon

July 19, 2024 by brennon

Games Workshop are going to be taking you back into the close confines of space hulks and other monolithic spaceships with a revamped supplement for Warhammer 40,000 and Boarding Actions which will be coming soon.

Boarding Actions - Warhammer 40000

Boarding Actions // Warhammer 40,000

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Boarding Actions is coming back with a book that updates the rules and missions of the game to fit 1oth Edition Warhammer 40,000. It will come with refreshed missions from the Arks Of Omen series plus options for playing bigger games if you'd like to go from two players to three or four. There will be both narrative and competitive options depending on how you want to approach the game.

Boarding Actions Gameplay #1 - Warhammer 40000

Boarding Actions Gameplay //Warhammer 40,000

There will be full Boarding Actions Detatchments for each faction in the game (apart from Imperial/Chaos Knights) which are themed around Boarding Patrols. You will also find additional Detachment rules, Enhancements and Strategems specifically for Boarding Actions.

There are two options for each faction that give you two different ways to play. As this is Boarding Actions, you're limited to 500 points per side and there is a cut-down selection of troops for you to choose from. The biggest badasses are the likes of Terminators for example.

Boarding Actions Gameplay #2 - Warhammer 40000

Boarding Actions Gameplay // Warhammer 40,000

Additionally, Boarding Actions is more about close combat brawls and shootouts down corridors so positioning, cover and choosing when to breach through bulkhead doors is the name of the game. You'll also find a mixture of different missions which range from brutalising your enemy through to playing out narrative moments from the Arks Of Omen.

Obviously, as well as a small army, you're going to need the Boarding Actions terrain to make the most of the game mode. That will set you back a pretty penny unless you already have it or make the most of marker pens and dry-erase boards.

It's a bit of a shame that Boarding Actions fell off the radar as it seemed like a good game mode but was in a weird liminal space between 9th Edition and 10th Edition and didn't really make the leap. It'll be interesting to see how much support Boarding Actions gets going forward.

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"There will be full Boarding Actions Detatchments for each faction in the game..."

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