New Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Starter Set Previewed

October 15, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop are now into the new edition of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team which started with the Hivestorm launch box. Following that, we now have the new edition's Starter Set which features a bunch of different surprises.

Kill Team Starter Set - Warhammer 40000

Kill Team Starter Set // Warhammer 40,000

If you're starting your Kill Team journey, this is the place to do that. You get fourteen push-fit miniatures representing the Angels Of Death Space Marines and the twisted servants of Nurgle, the Plague Marines.

Angels Of Death Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Angels Of Death Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

The miniatures from this set come from the previous Warhammer Heroes blind boxes which are quite hard to come by. Now, they are given another chance to hit the tabletop as part of this Starter Set. The Angels Of Death set comes with seven Primaris Space Marines armed with a selection of brutal weapons for destroying the enemies of the Imperium.

Arrayed against the Angels Of Death, the Plague Marines are coming to spread their rot!

Plague Marines Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Plague Marines Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

I think Games Workshop made a good choice making use of these older Warhammer Heroes miniatures. They are full of character and in interesting, unique poses. I like both the Space Marines and the Chaos Space Marines and they should be pretty easy to paint.

The rules for both Kill Teams will be included in the Starter Set and then additional full rules for their use beyond this set will be available online on Warhammer Community and in the Kill Team App.

Talking of rules, there will be a step-by-step guide for you to follow included in the Starter Set that will walk you through the mechanics and teach you how to play as part of a mini-campaign of sorts.

Kill Team Starter Handbook - Warhammer 40000 ALT

Kill Team Starter Handbook // Warhammer 40,000

The booklet will also feature bonus advanced rules and extra mission conditions that you can dive into if you want to get the feel of the full Kill Team experience. This sounds like a good way to get stuck in and learn the basics before bolting on some of the more complicated aspects of Kill Team. It's good that this set works as a stepping stone into Kill Team proper rather than a separate experience.

You'll also note that the Starter Set comes with all the tokens and more that you need for playing your games.

MDF Terrain?!

Yes, you read that right. The new Starter Set also comes with MDF terrain featuring printed detail. It's like we've gone back in time to the era of cardboard terrain and plastic widgets.

MDF Kill Team Terrain - Warhammer 40000

MDF Kill Team Terrain // Warhammer 40,000

This is obviously a great idea for the Starter Set because it means that people picking it up don't have to paint even more plastic beyond the two Kill Teams. They can just slot these pieces together and you're done. This cuts down on the plastic that has to go into the box and I would hope that this means the saving is also passed on to the consumer. Removing all of that plastic with the cheap-as-chips MDF should hopefully mean that this set comes in at a reasonable price.

This might also give us an idea of where Games Workshop wants to go in the future, at least for their Starter Sets. I could see similar terrain popping up in the new Warcry set when that inevitably rolls around. I would also like to see Games Workshop do more MDF terrain in the future in general. Again, if they make it reasonably priced then it could be a great option for newcomers to their games.

Are you going to be getting this new Starter Set?

"Yes, you read that right. The new Starter Set also comes with MDF terrain featuring printed detail..."

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