New Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Pre-Orders Drop This Weekend

October 21, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop are going to be taking pre-orders for a new set of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team boxes this weekend. A couple of sets are on the way covering different Kill Teams in the new edition and also separate card packs for those who already have the miniatures from the last edition.

Kasrkin Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Kasrkin Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

These are your elite Cadian special forces that get sent into the hottest of fighting to kick ass and take names. You'll get plenty of regular Kasrkin in the box as well as specialists like a Sharpshooter, Medic and a Demolitions Expert.

If you prefer your specialists to be clad in power armour, you can also pick up the Phobos Strike Team.

Phobos Strike Team Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Phobos Strike Team Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

This complete Kill Team comes with the regular Phobos Space Marines as well as additional accessories which allow you to make specialists like the Saboteur, Helix Adept and Marksman. They might not be the Scouts of old but they are pretty neat for those wanting to go all Raven Guard.

If you would prefer to pledge yourself to the Ruinous Powers, you can also get your hands on the Legionaires Kill Team.

Legionaires Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Legionaires Kill Team // Warhammer 40000

This set is another of those plastic kits which brings together the regular Legionaires miniatures alongside bonus accessories to make the specialists that you need for Kill Team. Bonus Chaos worshippers include the Balefire Acolyte, Shrivetalon, and Butcher.

Xenos fans can sneak behind enemy lines with the Pathfinders of the T'au Empire.

Pathfinders Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Pathfinders Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

Fight for The Greater Good and secure the advance of the rest of the T'au Empire with these sneaky backstabbers. Bonus specialists within this Kill Team include the Drone Controller, Assault Grenadier, and Medical Technician.

One of the coolest Kill Teams of the last while was the Inquisitorial Agents that came as part of a special narrative boxed a while back. They are now available again and can hunt the Underhives of the Imperium for those who have pledged themselves to the appalling Xenos or, terrible as the thought is, the Dark Gods.

Inquisitorial Agents Kill Team - Warhammer 40000

Inquisitorial Agents Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

Some favourites from Inquisitor of old can be found within this set including the awesome Death World Veteran. I swear that slowly but surely, Games Workshop are looking to remake all of the old 54mm Inquisitor miniatures in 28mm plastic. Additional characters in the set include the likes of the Penal Legionnaire and Hexorcist.

All of these Kill Teams are available in new miniature sets but you can also buy each of the Datacard sets separately (as mentioned before) if you have the miniatures from the last edition. For example, one of the separate sets of Datacards is for those wanting to play as the Chaos Cults.

Chaos Cults Datacards - Warhammer 40000

Chaos Cults Datacards // Warhammer 40,000

These teams can be formed of miniatures from the Chaos Cultists, Accursed Cultists, and Dark Commune boxes so you can fashion different teams that suit the way you want to play the game.

New Kill Team Starter Set

As well as all of the separate Kill Team sets, you can also pick up the Starter Set which will now be available to pre-order this weekend.

Kill Team Starter Set - Warhammer 40000

Kill Team Starter Set - Warhammer 40,000

You can find out more about this particular Starter Set HERE. This comes with quick-to-build Space Marines and Plague Marines as well as tokens, dice and everything else you need to play your first games of Kill Team. All of this comes together as part of the Starter Handbook. Some fancy MDF terrain also comes in this set. The start of something new from Games Workshop?

What are you going to be picking up this weekend?

" can also pick up the Starter Set which will now be available to pre-order this weekend"

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