New Mandrakes Stalk Into Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

January 19, 2024 by brennon

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The skirmishing of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team continues with some brutal clashes on Bheta-Decima in a new boxed set from Games Workshop. Kill Team: Nightmare will see the previously announced Night Lords going up against the Mandrakes of the Drukhari who get brand-new miniatures.

Mandrakes Kill Team - Warhammer 40K

Mandrakes - Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

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The Mandrakes are the shadowy assassins of the Drukhari and the new miniatures are a rather good upgrade that feels rather overdue. They carry an assortment of cruel, hooked blades for cutting down their foes and stabbing them in the back. You'll also notice that they can wrap themselves in eerie flames and use all manner of eldritch powers to cloak them.

I like most of the miniatures from the set but (talking of cloaks) I don't really like the way the effect has been sculpted on that fellow in the bottom right. It looks a bit strange, especially considering the way the effects look on the rest of the miniatures in the set.

As mentioned above, these Mandrakes will be dropped into a new set called Nightmare which sees the Nightlords fighting the Drukhari for your Bheta-Decima Killzones.

New Season - Kill Team - Warhammer 40K

Kill Team: Nightmare // Warhammer 40,000

Fitting in alongside the way Games Workshop are dealing with these expansions now, you'll get one big piece of terrain in the set but you'll need to draw from your collection or separate sets if you want to build your battlefields.

Generatorium - Warhammer 40K

Generatorum Hub // Warhammer 40,000

This particular piece of terrain is the Generatorum Hub and has been designed to give you a narrative focus for your clashes between the Drukhari and the Chaos Space Marines in Kill Team. I'm sure it will do all sorts of weird things to those soldiers who press the wrong buttons.

Check out this new set in the near future and use it to build new Kill Teams or perhaps start adding specialist units into your Warhammer 40,000 armies for either faction.

Kill Team Nightmare - Warhammer 40K

Kill Team: Nightmare // Warhammer 40,000

Are you tempted by either of these new Kill Teams? Did the new Drukhari addition to the line-up work for you? I'm still waiting for the flying Kill Team set with the new Vespids and the Swooping Hawks.

Drop your thoughts below!

"Did the new Drukhari addition to the line-up work for you?"

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