New Boarding Patrol Sets Coming To Warhammer 40,000

January 10, 2023 by brennon

Games Workshop has been previewing some new sets that are going to be coming soon to support their new Warhammer 40,000 game mode, Boarding Actions. There are going to be two to choose from, to begin with, focusing on the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines of this 28mm Sci-Fi wargame.

Space Marines Boarding Patrol - Warhammer 40000

Space Marines Boarding Patrol // Warhammer 40,000

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The first of these sets for the Space Marines is led by a Primaris Captain In Gravis Armour who can be armed with a variety of different weapons. You also then get ten Assault Intercessors for all of that close combat you're going to be getting stuck into and five Heavy Intercessors who can lay down covering fire along those open corridors.

Both of the sets here are designed so they fit into Boarding Actions' 500-point limit and the other army building rules that we looked at last week HERE. That being said, the second of these sets focusing on the Chaos Space Marines offers up a few more than 500 points but that just means you can tweak as you see fit.

Chaos Space Marines Boarding Patrol - Warhammer 40000

Chaos Space Marines Boarding Patrol // Warhammer 40,000

Yes, this set is led by Abaddon The Despoiler himself. When you need a job done, do it yourself I guess. As well as The Despoiler, you also have ten Chaos Space Marine Legionaries who can be armed with a variety of weapons and then twenty Cultists who will simply be cannon fodder thrown in the way of oncoming fire.

These seem like a neat idea and whilst I would imagine most people playing Boarding Actions are going to be drawing from their own collections, these could be a good excuse to pick up a new army and also 500 odd points of miniatures at the same time.

New Chaos Balefleet Battleforce

As well as these smaller sets that have been designed for Boarding Actions, there is also a new Chaos Battleforce that has been themed around the new unfolding narrative.

Balefleet Battleforce - Warhammer 40000

Balefleet Battleforce // Warhammer 40,000

A Balefleet is a warband of Chaos Space Marines that has been sent forth by Abaddon and Vashtorr to find the different McGuffins that they need for their rituals. You don't get either of the head honchos in this set but you do get ten Possessed, five Chaos Space Marine Terminators, a Heldrake and then a dark and twisted Daemon Prince.

This gives you a pretty elite option for your Chaos Space Marine armies and it fits in nicely with the new Detachment rules for Arks Of Omen that you can indulge in.

Are you going to be checking out these new sets from Games Workshop?

"Both of the sets here are designed so they fit into Boarding Actions' 500-point limit..."

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