New Blood Angels Army Set Revealed For Warhammer 40K

July 29, 2024 by brennon

Games Workshop has revealed the new Blood Angels Army Set that will feature new miniatures, upgrades and the new Blood Angels Supplement for use in 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000.

Blood Angels Army Set - Warhammer 40000

Blood Angels Army Set // Warhammer 40,000

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The new set is themed around the Death Company contingent of the Blood Angels Chapter. The Death Company are those Space Marine Battle Brothers who have succumbed to the Black Rage and so now throw themselves into the heat of battle, using their gene-fuelled rage to destroy the enemies of The Emperor.

With that in mind, the set comes with characters thematically linked to the Death Company as well as plenty of options for turning your Blood Angels into Death Company Space Marines. Leading the way, however, we have the mighty Lemartes who has been revamped and updated to look particularly brutal.

Lemartes - Warhammer 40000

Lemartes // Warhammer 40,000

Lemartes is now in an awesome pose, bellowing a war cry at his enemies and getting ready to power himself forward using his jump pack into the midst of the fighting. Lemartes is still gripped by the Black Rage but uses his willpower to keep it in check and lead his other Battle Brothers. An excellent miniature!

He is backed up by another deadly champion from the ranks of the Blood Angels, the fearsome Astorath The Grim.

Astorath The Grim - Warhammer 40000

Astorath The Grim // Warhammer 40,000

Astorath is High Chaplain of the Blood Angels and whilst he is a killing machine in his own right, delivering justice to the enemies of The Emperor, he is also the one who puts to death those Battle Brothers who have fallen too far. He is there to hand out mercy and furious wrath in equal measure. Another excellent miniature which is a neat update on the previous sculpt.

Astorath The Grim Details - Warhammer 40000

Astorath The Grim (Details) // Warhammer 40,000

The rest of the miniatures in the set encompass twenty Death Company Intercessors. Ten of them have jump packs and ten of them are slogging it across the battlefield on foot. They are turned into Death Company/Blood Angels with the addition of a new Upgrade Sprue.

Blood Angels Upgrade Sprue - Warhammer 40000

Blood Angels Upgrade Sprue // Warhammer 40,000

As you'll note, the Death Company logos aren't added to these upgrade components so if you don't fancy giving yourself over to the Black Rage, you can instead paint up your Space Marines as normal Blood Angels. You get options for your regular Space Marines as well as Terminators. You also get iconic weapons like the eviscerator and inferno pistols.

The Brutalis Dreadnought can also be upgraded to the new Death Company Dreadnought so you can unleash that fury on the enemy from your tomb-on-legs. You just stick on some of the elements from the Upgrade Sprue and away you go.

Death Company Dreadnought Upgrade Sprue - Warhammer 40000

Death Company Dreadnought // Warhammer 40,000

Rules for all of these miniatures will be included in both the Limited Edition and regular Codex for the Blood Angels which comes with this set.

Limited Edition Codex Blood Angels - Warhammer 40000

Limited Edition Codex: Blood Angels // Warhammer 40,000

You will get the exclusive cover plus all of the rules for covering your new Blood Angels army. There are also Datacards in the set to help you with referencing rules during the midst of battle. More Detachments are also included in the Codex to help theme your army around the Blood Angels.

Codex Blood Angels - Warhammer 40000

Codex: Blood Angels // Warhammer 40,000

For those who already have a bunch of Blood Angels, you can just wait for the regular Codex release later this year following on from the Army Set. As always, this is a new launch box for the Blood Angels and the first chance to get your hands on the rules and the new miniatures (and upgrade sprues). However, they will be released on their own at a later date so if you don't want to shell out just yet, you'll get a chance later on down the line.

Will you be picking up the new Army Set?

"Lemartes is now in an awesome pose, bellowing a war cry at his enemies and getting ready to power himself forward using his jump pack into the midst of the fighting..."

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