Show Your Loyalty With The Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Heads

May 20, 2022 by brennon

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Games Workshop has been showing off some more of the accessories and bitz that are going to be coming out alongside Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. The Imperial Fists are getting themselves some new Helmets and Shoulder Pads.

Imperial Fists MKVI Heads - Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Imperial Fists MKVI Heads // Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

Inside the pack, you get eleven helmets to use on your Heresy-era Imperial Fists. Each of them gives your Imperial Fists a more specifically "loyalist" twist and allows you to showcase the knightly aesthetic of this Legion. There is also a helmet-less head as part of the set and another with the transverse crest that could be used for Praetors and Sergeants.

As well as the heads, you can also get your hands on a new set of Shoulder Pads as well. The Imperial Fists symbol is embossed onto these pads and you have enough to cover an entire squad of ten Space Marines.

Imperial Fists MKVI Shoulder Pads - Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Imperial Fists MKVI Shoulder Pads // Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

Both of these sets are made from resin so the Forge World collection is still filtering its way through. I would imagine that all of the Shoulder Pads and Heads that get released for the new edition of the game are going to be carryovers or potentially tweaked versions of the current Forge World range.

Unique sets are going to be coming soon for the other Legions and I would imagine stocked over on the Games Workshop webstore instead of just on Forge World. It will be interesting to see how packed out this range gets and what else is on the way!

Are you going to be snapping these up?

"Inside the pack, you get eleven helmets to use on your Heresy-era Imperial Fists..."

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