Gaunt’s Ghosts Sneak Onto The Tabletop For Warhammer 40K!

May 6, 2021 by brennon

Games Workshop put together their previews for Black Library yesterday evening. Alas, there wasn't an update on any Age Of Sigmar books but there was a lot for those who like their Warhammer 40,000 stories. They started, however, with the reveal of a new plastic kit for Gaunt's Ghosts.

Gaunts Ghosts - Warhammer 40K

Gaunt's Ghosts // Warhammer 40K

This is going to be a new set of plastic miniatures allowing you to take to the tabletop as Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and the finest soldiers on Tanith. Imperial Guard soldiers don't often have the longest lifespan once they've signed up (or got conscripted) into the armies of the Imperium. So, when you've got a band of soldiers as good as the Ghosts, I reckon you've managed to find a winner!

Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt - Warhammer 40K

Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt // Warhammer 40K

Colonel Colm Corbec - Warhammer 40K

Colonel Colm Corbec // Warhammer 40K

Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll - Warhammer 40K

Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll // Warhammer 40K

Major Elim Rawne - Warhammer 40K

Major Elim Rawne // Warhammer 40K

Master Sniper Hlaine Larkin - Warhammer 40K

Master Sniper Hlaine Larkin // Warhammer 40K

Try Again Bragg - Warhammer 40K

"Try Again" Bragg // Warhammer 40K

All of these miniatures will have rules for use in Warhammer 40,000 allowing you to kick ass with this team of miscreants. Whilst I'm sure they will find their way into bigger armies, I think it would be cooler to see people using them in smaller games like Kill Team. I reckon a campaign of Kill Team based around Gaunt's Ghosts would be awesome.

Send In Gaunt's Ghosts // Black Library

Dan Abnett took some time during the reveal from Warhammer Fest to talk more about the Gaunt's Ghost series and the Sabbat Worlds. As you might imagine, there are some new books for you to check out!

Gaunt's Ghosts And The Sabbat Worlds // Black Library

Talking of books, here is the full-on list of books that were revealed this year at Warhammer Fest. Again, it would be nice to see what's coming for The Mortal Realms but here is your slice of the grim darkness of the far future.

Sabbat War - Black Library

Sabbat War // Black Library

The Vincula Insurgency - Black Library

The Vincula Insurgency // Black Library

The Sabbat Worlds Crusade - Black Library

The Sabbat Worlds Crusade // Black Library

Traitor Rock - Black Library

Traitor Rock // Black Library

Urdesh The Serpent And The Saint - Black Library

Urdesh The Serpent And The Saint // Black Library

Volpone Glory - Black Library

Volpone Glory // Black Library

Warhawk - Black Library

Warhawk // Black Library

The Twice-Dead King Ruin - Black Library

The Twice-Dead King: Ruin // Black Library

...and, if you're interested in diving in to try out a bit of Crime, you've also got books that will suit you too.

Grim Repast - Black Library

Grim Repast // Black Library

Sanction & Sin - Black Library

Sanction & Sin // Black Library

Broken City - Black Library

Broken City // Black Library

As you can see, a lot of books for you to try out! I am told that a lot of the Warhammer Crime novels are really good and that I should be checking some of them out. I might start out with some of the shorter audio dramas and then possibly give a bigger book a go.

Are you tempted to dive in and check out more from Black Library? What about those Gaunt's Ghosts?!

"What about those Gaunt's Ghosts?!"

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