Forge World Summon Ruinstorm Daemons To The Tabletop

September 13, 2019 by brennon

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Forge World has a new release for those diving into The Horus Heresy as followers of Chaos. See what you think of their new Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes...

Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes #1 - Forge World

Rules for these particular creatures of Chaos can be found in the Horus Heresy Book VIII: Malevolence and as a kit you're going to find thirty pieces inside the set allowing you to make three of these creatures. Each of them is armed with a different daemon weapon so you have a hammer, sword and axe.

Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes #2 - Forge World

These creatures do look rather awesome but I don't think the majority of people are going to be paying the price tag that Forge World has set for these. Whilst I love the look and think it would be great to see these on the tabletop, especially for something like Age Of Sigmar (more Unaligned Daemons!) I think there are most likely other providers which could give you similar looking Daemons for a fraction of the cost.

Again, I think this is a shame as the models do look awesome and I think they could well be some of the best work Forge World has done in a while. I love the style of these Daemons which reminds me a lot of the way Diablo looked in the second game in the series.

Are you tempted by these new Daemons?

"I love the style of these Daemons which reminds me a lot of the way Diablo looked in the second game in the series..."

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