Codex: Imperial Agents Announced + A Returning Inquisitor

July 22, 2024 by brennon

Games Workshop announced today that the next Codex lined up for Warhammer 40,000 is the much-anticipated Codex: Imperial Agents. This will allow you to bring Rogue Traders, Deathwatch Space Marines, Grey Knights and the Inquisition together into one force or as allies for your Imperium armies.

Codex Imperial Agents - Warhammer 40000

Codex: Imperial Agents // Warhammer 40,000

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The new Codex will be coming out alongside an updated miniature for Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz. Um. We'll get to him. When it comes to the Codex, it will offer up the option for you to choose one of four Detachments that can be used to make a full Imperial Agents army. There are no limitations here and you'll be able to draw from the different Ordos but also the Imperial Navy and Rogue Traders to build your force.

You can also use Codex: Imperial Agents to add these characters, units and retinues to your Imperium forces. Maybe you're running a Space Marine army but you want to throw in some Rogue Traders or Inquisitorial Agents for thematic reasons, well, this Codex allows you to do so depending on the points limit you aim for.

For Grey Knights fans, have no fear because even though they may sporadically appear as part of Imperial Agents armies, they will be getting a Codex of their own next year. It's good to know what's on the horizon.

We also have that miniature for Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz.

Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz - Warhammer 40000

Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz // Warhammer 40,000

The new miniature, in plastic, features the Inquisitor Lord clad in his baroque power armour and wielding his powerful daemonhammer. He also comes with his glorious two-headed eagle that was so iconic. I have been waiting for an update for Coteaz for a while and I have to say, from first impressions, I feel like we got a little letdown here.

The armour looks strange, the head seems squat and out of proportion and the whole miniature just seems too "smooth". When you compare it to the old miniature, it seems to have lost some of that original character and that "edge" that it used to have. The new miniature feels more like a Stormcast Eternal than a Grimdark Inquisitor.

Original Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz - Warhammer 40000

Original Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz // Warhammer 40,000

This is only my impression of course and maybe you have your own thoughts on the sculpt. It just feels like the miniature doesn't fit, especially with some of the other amazing sculpts we've seen coming out over the last few years for the likes of the Rogue Traders and the Inquisitorial Agents. Maybe a different paint job could do something to change my mind but we'll see.

New Battleforces

Coteaz will come inside one of three new Battleforce boxed sets for Codex: Imperial Agents as he leads the daemon-crushing forces of the Ordo Malleus.

Ordo Malleus Battleforce - Warhammer 40000

Ordo Malleus Battleforce // Warhammer 40,000

This set features a band of Inquisitorial Agents, Grey Knights, Coteaz, an Assassin and a Chimera to get your forces close to the front lines. A nice, diverse force (which is what Imperium armies should be like) and themed to a particular task.

You also have two more Battleforces for the Ordo Xenos and the Ordo Hereticus.

Ordo Xenos Battleforce - Warhammer 40000

Ordo Xenos Battleforce // Warhammer 40,000

The Ordo Xenos force is led by Kyria Draxus who popped up during the events of the Pariah Nexus and goes into battle alongside the Space Marines of the Deathwatch.

On the Hereticus side of things you have Katarinya Greyfax who will be hunting down the witch and the heretic alongside a contingent of Sisters Of Battle and the brutal Arbites.

Ordo Hereticus Battleforce - Warhammer 40000

Ordo Hereticus Battleforce // Warhammer 40,000

It's good that we now have plastic miniatures for each of the names Ordos and these feel like good starting points for someone wanting to try out an Imperial Agents army. The diverse nature of the armies means that you're not likely to get bored of painting and can have some fun with the themes and stories around these forces too.

More information will be on the way no doubt so keep an eye out if you're interested in exploring more about how Codex: Imperial Agents works.

Will you be picking up one of these Battleforces?

"It's good that we now have plastic miniatures for each of the names Ordos..."

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