Check Out The Assembled Horus Heresy Era Ahriman
September 5, 2016 by brennon
We saw the sprue for this particular Sorcerer/Librarian from a Horus Heresy Era Thousand Sons army a couple of weeks ago and now we've got a look at Ahriman assembled and he's rather awesome looking. See what you think of him HERE.
He was quite the important character in the events of the Burning of Prospero. It's quite fascinating hearing what he did to try and halt the destruction of his Legion at the hands of the Space Wolves and the fallout from it. You can see him above in his red armour.
His appearance changed somewhat after the fall of the Legion as you can see in his Chaotic guise below.
As it stands however he's looking like an awesome model and as many have said they'd love to use him away from the Heresy Era in their Warhammer 40,000 games as a Sorcerer too. Hopefully it won't be long till we hear more details of what lies ahead for this model and it's boxed set.
Images From War Of Sigmar
What do you think of the model now it's been assembled?
"It's quite fascinating hearing what he did to try and halt the destruction of his Legion at the hands of the Space Wolves and the fallout from it..."
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He’s a big un isn’t he.
Looks about a head taller than the marine he’s next too, which is awesome for me as it will be easier to get him to fit with my “tru” scale Marines.
Liking the change to the usual tactical rock 🙂
Not too keen on the back pack, if this 30k and why does he have a 40k unit on his back?! Other than that an excellent model.
Looks like a MkIV backpack to me. Similar but not the same as the ones they now include with the MkVII Tactical Squad.
Seeing it assembled makes me want it even more. Definetly need to pick up one to be Ahzek and at least one for converting into a generic sorcerer/aspiring sorcerer.
Quite subdued compared to his chaotic incarnation. I like him.
I hope the whole set won’t be styled towards 1k Sons and Space Pups though. I would prefer something more generic like the BaC set. Some generic MkIII armour in plastic would be sweet, maybe with upgrade sprues for specific legions.
If this is based on the Prospero Novels from the HH do you think they will produce Constantine Valdor and the Silent Sisters because Ahriman looks great
Would love some Custodes in plastic or otherwise.
I hear they’re in the upcoming boxed set with this guy.
Careful, lack of enthusiasm will be met with stern retribution!
*hands @solar the marshmallows and toasting fork in preparation*
@cpauls1: any particular reason you don’t like it, or is it just not something that sparks your interest? Anything you think would have improved it?
Well you have to remember, it’s a recent release from GW, which as we all know is the great Satan…
I have to agree : ‘meh’
The pose is so boring/standard.
In one of the images he’s like “Smite Those Infidels” / “For the glory of Chaos”
whereas his actual pose in miniature is more like “that way to the bar”
Well 30k Ahriman looks glorious.
i would have expected a more spectacular model being a new GW plastic. what a disappointment
I must say that this 30k version is much better as it’s not so over the top as chaos tends to be. This is a descent model and makes Ahriman look like nothing extremely special as he really was just another librarian at the time.
He wasn’t exactly ‘just another librarian’ at the time – he was First Captain, so probably one of the strongest, if not the strongest, psykers in the legion excluding Magnus himself, which almost certainly put him in the top ten or even top five psykers in the entire Imperium at the time (first being the Big E and second Magnus)
He looks great They would be an interesting chapter full of librarians & with Ahriman commanding a hard one to fight.
Looking great!!
Would love some thousand sons and space wolves in a box set! They certainly have the most recognisable looks of most of the legions which would be awesome!
Haven’t read prospero burns bug might have to download a copy if they are bringing out a box set based on it!!
Will have to wait and see though!!
Don’t forget to check out ‘A Thousand Sons’ aswell (think you can now get the two novels bundled together) for a more complete picture of the Battle of Prospero (iirc ATS actually has more of the burning of Prospero than PO does. PO is more concerned with the Space Puppies and exploring their mentality which leads to the conflict with the actual battle being a comparatively small part of the book and even then is focused on lesser players while the big event of Russ vs Magnus is in ATS).
There’s a lot I like about this model but I don’t love it. I’m not quite sure what it is… Perhaps it seems a bit too bulky? There’s so much stuff hanging off him that it looks a bit overloaded and slow.
It’s nice, but not spectacular.