Victrix Miniatures has been previewing some of the new 12mm World War II Tanks that they have been working on for their expanding collection. The Soviets are going to be getting themselves a bunch of T34's. Classic...
Victrix Miniatures have been showcasing some more of the new 28mm plastic Napoleonic kits coming in the new year. This time around, you'll be able to get your hands on the French Chasseurs a cheval of the Imperial Guard that will be thundering across tabletops soon.
The Ancient Horse Archers are now available for you to snap up from the folks at Victrix for those looking to build on their armies of Scythians and Parthians to name two armies of the period.
Victrix Miniatures has added two new 12mm/1:144 Scale tanks to their collection for the Germans. You are going to be able to pick up the Panzer IV F and Panzer IV G for use during your World War II battles.
The folks at Victrix Miniatures have been showing off some of the new vehicles that they have coming to their 12mm World War II collection. The focus shifts from the US, Germans and the British to the Soviets and their tanks.
Victrix has really packed out their 12mm World War II range over the last year or so. The latest set of releases covers both the Allies and the Axis with some support vehicles that will aid both infantry and tanks.
Victrix has been showing off some of the new miniatures that are coming your way for the Ancient and Dark Age Historical wargames out there. We start with a few more previews of their Late Roman Armoured Infantry.
Victrix Games has now shown off the final overview of their upcoming 12mm Falschirmjager range. If you're looking to add some elite soldiers to your World War II German army then watch out for this release soon.
Victrix has been sharing some of the new miniatures you'll be able to pick up from them throughout next year. They are covering all manner of different eras of Historical wargames from the Dark Ages through to World War II.
Victrix has been showcasing more of the upcoming 12mm miniatures for their expanding World War II collection. The focus this month has been around the new German Fallschirmjägers who are going to add an elite quality to your armies.
Victrix Games has added a new plastic kit into the mix for those of you wanting to build on your 12mm World War II force on the tabletop. M3 Half-Tracks for the Allies are heading out onto the battlefields of Normandy and beyond.
Victrix has updated their preview of the newest 12mm plastic figures coming to their Victrix Games collection. Their 12mm World War II range is going to be growing soon with the addition of some Soviet Infantry and also a Command & Heavy Weapon kit too.
Victrix Games has showcased more of the 12mm World War II Soviets which are going to be available soon for your Historical games. Much like the sets for the British, Americans and the Germans, there is going to be a big plastic set for you to drop onto the tabletop.
Victrix has been showing off some more of the 12mm miniatures they have been working on for World War II wargaming. One of the more recent previews was for some of their Soviet Infantry that is coming soon.
Victrix Limited has been showing off some of the new 12mm Historical vehicles coming to their World War II Range.
Victrix has its sights set on some new options for two different Historical periods.
Victrix Limited has shown off a few more sneak peek of what's coming for their 12mm World War II collection under Victrix Games.
Victrix Games has been showing off some of the miniatures which are coming up next for their expanding 12mm World War II range.
Victrix Games has now launched their 12mm/1:44 scale World War II range and things get off to a thunderous start with the addition of some Tanks to their line-up.
Victrix Games has been showing off some more previews for their upcoming 12mm World War II range.
Victrix Limited is building up plenty of goodies for those willing to dive into their 12mm World War II game which is in the works.
Victrix are continuing their previews for all things 12mm and World War II with a peek at their German Infantry which will be coming soon alongside the tanks.
Victrix (or more specifically Victrix Games) has been showing off some of the new 12mm World War II Tanks which are going to be released at Salute this year.
Victrix has announced that they are working on a new venture, Victrix Games, which will be kicking things off with the launch of a World War II game in 12mm scale.