Turn 8 was fantastic once again! We hope you enjoyed our round up of the 6th Edition 40K Rumours and of course our special guest Rick Priestly!
Due to all the plethora videos we need to publish this week for Salute 2012 and Adepticon 2012, we're going to delay the this month's episode of TURN 8 until next Thursday.
That’s right folks, your favourite live internet TV event is back with a bang! With more chat and more giveaways and loads more features than ever before.
That's right guys... your favourite live internet TV broadcast from Beasts of War is set for a return!
That's right guys... tune in to the TURN 8 Xmas Special where we'll be giving out our fantastic Beastie Awards 2011! We'll be starting at 10:00pm GMT(UTC)... set your alarms... this one will be Epic!
Here's part 2 of the fantastic Xmas Special!!!
It never rains but it pours! Despite our best efforts, we've been forced to cancel TURN 8 again tonight.
Due to some family problems, we're going to have to cancel TURN 8 tomorrow night. It's nothing serious, so normal programming will be resumed directly afterwards. You'll still be able to see Wargamng News: On the Table... so make sure you catch it!
No Warren tonight I'm afraid he's got the man-flu, but plenty of chat about our recent trip to the Gaelcon Tournament, all the cool new stuff you can see soon on BoW and even... some Necrons!
Here's the last 4:42 minutes that didn't fit into the first part of the stream. NOTE: There really is some harsh language used tonight guys... so if that offends you... this may not be your episode.
There's been some ghostly goings on at Beasts of War HQ so we've shot this extra special Halloween version of TURN 8! NOTE: There really is some harsh language used tonight guys... so if that offends you... this may not be your episode.
So there we go... tonight we discussed Necrons, various unfounded accusations and plenty of other cool stuff to take our minds off it.
So there we go... tonight we discussed Necrons, various unfounded accusations and plenty of other cool stuff to take our minds off it. If you have any thoughts on the things we discussed tonight then please post a comment below and if you have any suggestions about how you would like us to improve our forums then post here or on the forum thread.
Here's the second part of the show... watch out for Pigman!
So that was another TURN 8 that ran over time. We managed to discuss, our past and current competitions, Carnevale, the future of WW2 gaming and Warren's disturbing encounter with a Pig-Man!
Here's the second part of our marathon TURN 8 show... if you've managed to watch this far, we salute you!
pic does not truly describe the length of this evening's show, but we got through it nonetheless! We've announced our winners, discussed boardgames and looked at some cool miniatures... and yes... we even had a beer.
Hi Guys... it's Thursday night so it's time for another TURN 8! Tonight we're going to be discussing tournaments, terrain and how to promote gaming to get new players onto the scene. We've also got some cool exclusive shots of some upcoming sci-fi stuff and an update to the 40K Titan Challenge! So join us here at 10:00pm BST (GMT +1 hour) or check us out on Twitch TV.
Check out this episode if you want to know more about our fantastic 40K Titan Challenge (your chance to win one) and our amazing news about our upcoming expansion into "proper" television.
So another TURN 8 ends and this time we nearly stuck to our plan for an hour long show.
What did we cover?
Well there was the Forge Father release... Gen Con 2011... our Monthly Painting Competition and the mysterious Carnevale!
I'm sorry guys, but due to a bit of a family emergency, we've had to cancel TURN 8 tonight. I know a lot of you were getting the beer and whiskey in for it, but don't let that stop you enjoying your evening.
Well my friends this was the first TURN * without Warren... was it good... bad... indifferent? We have a chat about terrain, Confrontation, Dark Age & the new Dwarf King's Hold: Green Menace!
In this one we talk about Loads.... Show notes will follow in a few hours
As our loyal TURN 8 fans might know there were problems with Justin TV last night, we received a notice from them this morning, explaining that a "bug" had crept into the system, which required the whole system to be shut down. However, we at Beasts of War will not to be beaten by mere bugs and so we recorded TURN 8 and here it is!
TURN 8: YouTube Update & Mantic’s Sci-Fi Game WARPATH!
14 years ago 73The Recording of the Episode where we had Ronnie Renton and Alessio Cavatore taking about Warpath!
Parental Advisory - Mature Content After a week where GW put the kibosh on international sales... and announced a price hike... and a move to resin! We get bombed off YouTube and yet still come on to give you a few hours of television!
Avast ye swabs! This was our longest running TURN 8 yet, but it was great fun. This is the place to watch it again... or just to join the fun for the first time!
Loads covered in Turn 8 this week... but congratulations to the competition winners and the guys who scored some free goodies during the show! Add your comments here to tell us about the show and you can watch it again too!
Recording of the Live Show from 17th March 2011
Yes that's right! Another outing of live TV will be coming your way tonight at 8 - 20:00 GMT