Tor Gaming Begin Relics 2nd Edition Beta Testing

March 18, 2016 by brennon

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Tor Gaming are now at the stage where they are looking to test the Relics 2nd Edition Rules which are currently in Beta. You can download the main rules HERE as well as Britanan, Nuem, Vaettir and Ridend faction packs...


You can go and give the new rules a test with your existing factions. Relics is certainly turning into quite the head turner and the new faction, the C'thu, certainly will be a neat addition to the tabletop. This teaser also dropped onto social media this week.

Coming Soon

I'm not sure what to make of these but I could see them being large stone golem style creatures. I like the idea of them being animated crystals perhaps - the icon could certainly point us in that direction.

What do you think?

"I like the idea of them being animated crystals perhaps - the icon could certainly point us in that direction..."

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