Manorhouse Workshop Delve Into Their Forgotten Halls Project
November 30, 2016 by brennon
Manorhouse Workshop has delved into the Forgotten Halls with their latest terrain project and showing off just what you can do with the modular designs on offer.
Firstly we're going to look at how the Forgotten Halls look when they've had the tiles removed and you use them as a more free-standing piece of terrain. Here you can see the collection built up into maybe the start of a bridge or the entrance to a larger house of building complex.
The terrain has come out really nicely indeed and the attention to detail on all of the different sections provides you with a look which would be good for Historical as well as Fantasy gaming. The design of the terrain also reminds us a little bit of the architecture from Dishonoured or Thief.
A Sense Of Grandeur
Heading back to the tiles the team was also keen to show off what it's like when you get inside their terrain and run around as you head up between the layers in the building.
This shot shown here below really does give you a sense of the narrative being played out here on the box and the terrain pieces we're seeing here would be perfect for someone looking to put together a dungeon delving adventure.
The team at Manorhouse also teamed up with Real Game FX to show off their terrain with some haunting mist floating through the terrain. Imagine setting your Dungeon Saga games here!
What do you think of their plans for Forgotten Halls? Would you want to add this to your collection of terrain for skirmish gaming and role-playing?
Let us know in the comments!
"The design of the terrain also reminds us a little bit of the architecture from Dishonoured or Thief..."
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That stuff looks great. Really reminds me of the Diablo games.
WOW that is brilliant for any battle field.