TTCombat Break Into Their New Marauder Outpost Terrain

August 7, 2019 by brennon

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Building on the new Savage Domain terrain kits which TTCombat launched last week for their Fantasy Realms range, the team has been looking at a new kit which should be coming soon, the Marauder Outpost.

Savage Domain Marauder Outpost - TTCombat

The new Marauder Outpost will give you lots of additional modular pieces that you can use to create interesting and dynamic battlefields. This means things to climb, walkways to rush across and high towers where you can shoot down from or perhaps be pushed...muahahaha.

I love the inclusions of the banners and such too which help build up the character of the terrain and could be added or removed depending on who has taken over this particular outpost.

Mix & Match

The terrain from the Marauder Outpost can also be used alongside the other kits thanks to its modular nature in order to create more interesting set ups.

Savage Domain Mix & Match - TTCombat

This should mean that if you pick up enough kits from TTCombat you'll be able to build a massive variety of different tabletops. I like the idea of maybe assigning each element a number and then rolling off to decide what gets added into the pool of terrain for a battle. Then, between you and your opponent, you bolt it all together to create an interesting battlefield.

Have you been tempted by this new Savage Domain terrain?

"The terrain from the Marauder Outpost can also be used alongside the other kits thanks to its modular nature..."

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