The Tabletop World Watermill Looks Utterly Amazing!

November 19, 2016 by brennon

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Tabletop World is back with some more wonderful terrain that just pops on the battlefield. See what you think of their Watermill...

Watermill #1

It is a wonderfully idyllic scene with the stream running through there in the foreground. A rickety stone bridge then reaches out across it to the other side where a run down and well-used building houses the Mill owner and his family.

Watermill #2

The Watermill is creaking away in the background as the gentle trickle of water passes beneath it and you could just imagine the feet stepping across the stones as they approach it.

As you can see it breaks down quite nicely into some good component pieces and I can only see the wheel being a bit tricky to put together.

Watermill (Pieces)

It's great that it does come with the stream so it won't feel weird situated elsewhere on a tabletop. The inner details are also present and you have three floors to play around on as a skirmisher.

What do you think of the Watermill?

"A rickety stone bridge then reaches out across it to the other side where a run down and well-used building houses the Mill owner and his family..."

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