Shed Some Light On Your Game With Terrain Tech

October 22, 2014 by deltagamegirl22

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Last night before bed I was scanning new items for today's article and I found this interesting idea for terrain.

Terrain Tech

It is called Terrain Tech and it is a special kind of terrain technology that brings wireless, yes I said wireless lighting and motors (stay with me) and lasers to your gaming table. So the whole premise behind this is you can add a new dimension to your game table, whether it be for an RPG, a dungeon crawler or whatever strikes your fancy. It is supposedly customizable and the colour LEDs can be changed to produce different colour effects.

Power Setup

Now I mentioned motors, and yes, you can get motors to run things like water wheels powering machinery in a deep underground mine, dwarves anyone?

Water Terrain

There is also supposed to be lasers included to add to the experience, does anyone else see Warren trying to use them to charge minis or dice? Now according to the projects creators, there are no wires, sans one to plug the underlying mat to an outlet and no batteries.


All the items get their power wirelessly by being placed on the mat. They also say it can be used in conjunction with existing terrain.  It reminds me of the power mats you can get for some cell phones to charge on wirelessly if they have that capability. An interesting project to be sure, it is on my update list to see where it goes from here and you can see it on Kickstarter too.

What do you think, is this something worth investing in to add some variety and uniqueness to your table?

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