New Sci-Fi & Homeland Apocalypse Terrain Hits This Black Friday From 4Ground

November 24, 2017 by brennon

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4Ground has some awesome new releases in terms of terrain this month focusing in on both their Sci-Fi range, known as the Jesserai collection and the Homeland Apocalypse set which is ideal for Walking Dead, amongst other games.

Jesserai Industrial Terrain - 4Ground

Leading things we have the massive amount of Industrial Terrain which comes as part of the new Jesserai range. A lot of it is built around the concept of plenty of Walkways...

Jesserai Industrial Walkways - 4Ground

...and central Towers and Pillars which help hold things up and add to the selection of lofty terrain you can bring to the tabletop.

Jesserai Industrial Tower - 4Ground

Above in the first image, you can see the Jesserai Bundle which collects together a lot of these different terrain pieces into one package, available as part of Black Friday. While they have shown off some Genestealers clambering all over it I reckon it would be a great shout for those starting to get into Necromunda.

More of the options that are available for this range can be seen HERE over on their webstore where you can see more of the components that bring this to life.

Homeland Apocalypse

Building on their range of wonderful Americana that you can use for your post-apocalyptic games you can also pick up a bundle from them featuring the new kits HERE.

Homeland Apocalypse Loading Bay & Security Room - 4Ground

This features the new Loading Bay and Security Room which can be attached to the larger Mall that 4Ground also make. That can be seen HERE alongside a collection of their other smaller pieces. I particularly like the characterful ATMs you can pick up.

ATM - 4Ground

There's so much care and attention added to everything these guys do, be it with their larger buildings or indeed when it comes down to these smaller incidental pieces which help to add a more realistic feel to the environments you're fighting through.

Let us know if you'll be diving in to check out this new terrain this month...

"I particularly like the characterful ATMs you can pick up..."

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