Sarissa Precision Start Taking Heads With Their Guillotine!

December 10, 2019 by brennon

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Sarissa Precision has been showing off a new piece of terrain for you to include alongside those games set during the French Revolution. It's time to start taking heads with their Guillotine!

Guillotine Set #1 - Sarissa Precision

As quite the grizzly piece of terrain for your tabletop, it none-the-less offers up a snapshot of the French Revolution and the brutality that followed in the wake of those uprisings. As well as being useful in your games set in Europe (seen below) this could also be a great way to set the stage for an encounter in a roleplaying game too. You could be rushing to try and save someone from getting their head lopped off!

Guillotine Set #2 - Sarissa Precision

As an icon of turmoil within society, this is a rather 'fun' new piece which is a little different from a lot of traditional terrain like houses and such. I like iconic pieces like this which immediately start to tell a story when they are included as part of a tabletop scene.

What do you think of this set?

"I like iconic pieces like this which immediately start to tell a story when they are included as part of a tabletop scene..."

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