Need a Robot Factory? Make Your Own With Hirst Arts.

July 30, 2014 by stvitusdancern

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So, you are playing your favorite Sci-Fi game and all of sudden your old terrain has gotten a little long in the tooth. You think to yourself, "what I need is a robot factory, but where do I get one?"


Well fear not I have the answer for you. Make it yourself with these molds from Hirst Arts!

Factory 2

You might already be familiar with Hirst Arts from making your own terrain pieces or you might remember Warren and Lloyd speaking about them when they were describing how they built the Wolfsung table. So if you have some time and want to be creative, Hirst Arts has created molds to make whatever size factory you would like.

Factory 3

Factory 4

What is even nicer they have a really nice step by step guide on how to recreate the factory they show on their website, along with painting tutorials. I think there is nothing better than creating a really nice table and knowing you did it from scratch.

Is there some custom terrain casting in your future?

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