Micro Art Craft Pre-Coloured Al Medinat Terrain For Infinity!

August 7, 2024 by brennon

Micro Art Studio, perhaps inspired by the recent trailer for Infinity: Paradise Lost, has created a set of amazing pre-coloured Infinity terrain for you to play across with a distinctly Haqqislam theme.

Al Medinat Bundle - Micro Art Studio

Al Medinat Terrain // Micro Art Studio

The terrain has been designed to match the look of the Al Medinat Khalifate on Bourak or any of the Haqqislam-controlled territories throughout the Human Sphere. As Micro Art has been saying, this could represent Al-Hadiye Space Elevator on Paradiso, Darpan Xenostation or Bhai on Concilium Prima!

As well as getting your hands on the bundle, you can also pick up individual sets to help build your personal Haqqislam-themed tabletops.

Al Medinat Billboards - Micro Art Studio

Al Medinat Billboards // Micro Art Studio

All of the terrain from Micro Art Studio that you see here comes in HDF but with pre-coloured details printed on. This means that with the careful application of glue, you could get these put together very quickly for use on the tabletop.

Al Medinat Stairs & Bridges - Micro Art Studio

Al Medinat Stairs & Bridges // Micro Art Studio

The terrain features a mixture of both Sci-Fi and traditional architecture for the Al Medinat which is very in keeping with the vibe of Infinity as a whole. All of the buildings can, for the most part, be sat on top of and next to each other and you can remove some of the railings for more space to play your games. You also have recessed doors and niches so you can sneak around and keep out of sight.

Al Medinat Qubba - Micro Art Studio

Al Medinat Qubba // Micro Art Studio

The domes that you see amongst the collection could be used to block off rooftops but could also be handy when placed in the street to create interesting layouts. The holoads can be stuck on or temporarily attached so you can switch them out as and when you'd like.

The terrain looks great and Micro Art Studio has outdone themselves when it comes to the detail. I also think that the terrain lends itself to some cool scenario ideas already. I think that you could do something fun based on the Hauler below. Rob it or protect it!

Al Medinat Hauler - Micro Art Studio

Al Medinat Hauler // Micro Art Studio

More of the Al Medinat terrain can be viewed on the Micro Art Studio Webstore. You can see all of the individual pieces as well as the bundle deals. They will cost a little bit more than typical HDF terrain kits but you do get the convenience of the pre-coloured details across the entire range.

Will you be heading to the Al Medinat for your games of Infinity?

"You can see all of the individual pieces as well as the bundle deals..."

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