Laser Etched Terrain from Fluffy Bits
May 9, 2011 by beerogre
Laser etched terrain seems to be all the rage recently, we saw some cracking bits at Salute 2011 and now I see that the US company, Fluffy Bits has started making some very inexpensive sets of terrain, like ruined corners and houses.
Unfortunately the pics on the site are a bit small, so I recommend that you visit the website to see the models, but trust me they're pretty good value.
Why not tell us what you think of them...
BoW Andy
These are the very cool, inexpensive, sturdy houses and terrain one can use as a base to build more original or detailed elements… A nice buy !
BoW Romain
I’ve actually been bugging a guy I know that makes airsoft parts for weeks that he could do this, looks like that ship has sailed now… These could be combined with simple printed paper details to make a decent looking setup quite cheaply with a minimum of modelling skill, or used as a base to build up stronger more detailed buildings with a skin of something like air clay etc and bricks/stonework drawn in with a sharpened lollypop stick, bristles from an old floor brush glued on as thatch roofs etc, or even just lined with corrugated card and sealed… Read more »
I think they could be handy and can certainly be used to great effect as sturdy, albeit lackluster out of the box, terrain with a little bit of work. I have no doubt these products are great and useful, but I wouldn’t know it from the website. When all you see is a small thumbnail of each item and a very brief description, which sometimes omits the quantity if items included (the resin stone blocks for example) I am not impressed or enticed into looking for more than a moment. I hate to sound so harsh, but that is one… Read more »
Inclined to agree. It is annoying on sites when it says, “Click to enlarge” and the pop up piccie is not much bigger than the thumbnail! lol
The buildings are okay if you don’t have the time to do something similar from foamboard.
I do like the look of the various detailing bits they have and would love to see that range expand. Steampunky street deco is ace.
Simple things like the pipe elbow are very handy. Am running out of suitable sprue for making those.