The Landing Zone Comes Together For 4Ground’s 28mm Sci-Fi Range

January 28, 2016 by brennon

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4Ground have now added some new buildings to their 28mm Jesserai Sci-Fi range. The latest pieces make up the Landing Zone which you can see below. Each of these pieces have been put up for pre-order...

Landing Zone

As you can see this produces an area which is perfect for an objective based game where you're racing towards the landing pads to escape OR maybe you're coming in to raid the surrounding area.

Tower Control Module

First up we take a look at the Tower Control Module which can be used to convert a standard Hab Building that you will have already seen in the range.

Tower Control Module

This would be the first port of call for your objective based game where you're trying to take out the control tower so that your other troops can land without issue.


As well as the Control Module we also have the two main focuses of the scene which are the Raised Level Vertipad and Ground Level Vertipad. These look nice with the ships on top of them although they could also make defensive positions for your soldiers.

Raised Level Vertipad

Ground Level Vertipad

I think of the two I prefer the raised one with the lift underneath as it gives you some interesting options for fighting below and above it. You could also have some additional rules for loading the objective onto the lift and then getting it up to the 'bird' on the landing pad.

What do you think of the range?

"This would be the first port of call for your objective based game where you're trying to take out the control tower so that your other troops can land without issue..."

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"You could also have some additional rules for loading the objective onto the lift and then getting it up to the 'bird' on the landing pad."

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