Impudent Mortal Solves the Puzzle of Transportable Terrain

October 17, 2012 by dracs

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When it comes to terrain you can't go far wrong with MDF, providing you with a quick way to build some great looking sets. Well Impudent Mortal have gone one step further on Kickstarter, with their new puzzle pieces terrain design.

Impudent Mortal - Puzzle Terrain

Impudent Mortal have developed a new system of terrain built from interlocking puzzle pieces. This will allow you to more easily transport your terrain pieces, as well as combining them to create entirely new set ups.

From the pictures on their Kickstarter, we can see that Impudent Mortal are offering a wide selection of terrain styles suitable for any game system you can think of, in 10mm, 25mm and 28mm scale.

Impudent Mortal - Gothic Ruin

Impudent Mortal - Steampunk Building

Impudent Mortal Sci-Fi Bunker

Impudent Mortal - 25mm 2 Story Stone

Impudent Mortal - 10mm Art Deco

Impudent Mortal - 10mm Modern Design

These terrain designs look very detailed and I would definitely be interested in seeing how the puzzle design works for terrain pieces which would probably see a lot of use.

All in all I applaud the innovation of this venture and think that these terrain pieces would make an excellent addition to many gaming tables.

What are your thoughts on the puzzle pieces assembly? If you want to support this head over to Kickstarter now and get this idea off the ground!

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