Gregster’s Lab Show Off Their 6mm Research Base Terrain!
October 30, 2014 by brennon
Gregster's Lab have been on IndieGoGo looking to fund some rather impressive 6mm Terrain and while they've already focused in on both the Sigma Compound and Forward Base they have also added the very impressive looking Research Base to their offering...
First up we have their original terrain pieces that include a rather neat looking alien compound and then the robust looking Forward Base that was no doubt put down by some intrepid explorers on the frontier of some galaxy spanning expedition.
This however it the icing on the cake. If you wanted something highly detailed and totally awesome looking then you can't go too far wrong when it comes to their Research Base. As you can see it's got a bit of the dark gothic about it, very Warhammer 40,000, but it could easily be a station complex in any Sci-Fi world.
Absolutely stunning looking work and so much detail for something so small!
What 6mm games would you play with this terrain?
Why does Space:1999 keep popping into my head, and why do I feel the urge to light up the terrain with firecrackers?
And… i can use this terrain in what game ? Epic 40k ?
I am the guy who did it. 😀
Basically it is good for any 6mm scale game like Epic: Armageddon, Dirtside II, Seeds of War, Future War Commander etc.
It should fit smaller scale too.
The quality of this terrain is astounding,
will definately be adding some to my collection!!!!!.
@vondrasky- i think its an obvious yes you could use it for Epic but there are many other games in a similar scale that this terrain could be used…(Just to name a few….Battletech Alpha Strike, Planetfall, Future War Commander, DirtsideII)
could be too small for planetfall. That is 10mm, but with a little tweaking it could work as a terrain piece.
Looks like it would actually be good as terrain in regular scale 40k as well. You could call it power conduits in a manufactorum board or something.
Very good looking terrain. With some mirroring it can work as a space dock for Battlefleet Gothic, but it would also work well for Dystopian wars.
exactly! The parts are good for a proxy space station.
There is a picture of one in this album:
aaand, the add-ons are active!
I’d definitely be using this to play Epic Armageddon. It looks awesome Leaxe 😀
Also, if Urban Mammoth were to get on with Age of Tyrants I’d possibly use it for that as well 😉
Check the last add-on pack!