Get Some Free Furniture For Your Dungeonalia Projects!

January 19, 2024 by brennon

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If you're delving into your Dungeonalia projects right now, don't forget to slap some scatter terrain and furniture into your setups! If you're someone lucky enough to have yourself a 3D Printer then you can find some great FREE stuff over on Thingiverse that would be perfect for this kind of thing.

HeroQuest Terrain by Tronic3100

HeroQuest Terrain by Tronic3100


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Just searching HeroQuest Furniture on Thingiverse throws up a whole host of fun 3D prints that you can get painted up to help make your dungeons feel lived in. You can have the best layout in the world when it comes to dungeon tiles but unless they are populated with interesting gubbins, they can feel a bit lacking and artificial.

Torture Chamber by kevinrau

Torture Chamber by kevinrau

Bits and bobs like the pieces you see here can help to tell a story and perhaps even get your players to be more involved when it comes to deciding how they approach an encounter. Even if you're not going for a 3D dungeon-delving adventure, terrain like this helps to make a 2D collection pop. Drop some of these onto your Loke BattleMats books and it could look great.

This is very much for those who have a 3D Printer (or a nice friend with one!) but this should also be a call out to those making their Dungeonalia projects from scratch. Don't just get sucked into just making the tiles. Think about the extra terrain that you can throw into the mix. This counts for Sci-Fi adventures as well. Have a look online for free files and more that could be fun to help make your games pop.


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Has this inspired you to perhaps tinker with your projects a bit more and throw a tad more scatter into the mix?

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"Think about the extra terrain that you can throw into the mix..."

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