Gale Force 9′s New Battlefield in a Box
August 4, 2011 by dracs
Gale Force 9 will be displaying their latest addition to their battlefield in a box range at GenCon.
Containing such items as palms and oasis, this selection will be perfectly suited for taking your warfare to the deepest deserts.
Palms are always a hard one to pull off right. They look more featherduster than palm. Nice try for what its worth.
Still… they’re pre-painted… which means Darrell will be along any second to wet himself over them. 🙂
I like the idea of GF9 stuff in general, if you want no-nonsense terrain it looks like a safe bet. I am considering making my own again – papier mache on standby 😉
I’m not really a fan of desert terrain, I’m more of a city-fight kinda guy, however this kind of stuff would be good to flesh out any Gorkamorka or Tallarn themed tables.
Nice stuff indeed – going to check out the rest of the Battlefield in a Box stuff.