Front Arc Join Forces With Deep-Cut For Kickstarter Terrain

September 29, 2015 by brennon

Front Arc are going to be hitting Kickstarter soon to bring out a new range of terrain for 15mm wargames and have teamed up with Deep-Cut Studios to add a mat to the campaign...

Ruined City

The map is set to recreate the scene of an attack on a city. The grassland towards the side of the mat is the outskirts of the city with the rest of it looking like a blasted ruin. It has a big town square and plenty of torn up streets.

Tank Traps

The tank taps remind me of those maps from World of Tanks where you're fighting into a city from the countryside. It certainly looks like it would make a good defensive line.

Rubble Square

In the midst of the city there is this blasted square where the tiles and cobbles have been smashed aside. This makes a great focal point for a Church or Townhall to sit around. As well as that you should check out the buildings Front Arc are working on...

Mat With Buildings

It looks great and I like the amount of intricate detail they have added to the different structures. Once they have been given a lick of paint these are going to be awesome when combined with some scatter terrain.

What do you think of their mat design?

"The tank taps remind me of those maps from World of Tanks where you're fighting into a city from the countryside..."

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