Fake Your Own Moon Landing On Deep-Cut’s New Asteroid Mat
July 13, 2018 by brennon
Deep-Cut Studio has a new mat for you to check out that would be perfect for your games set on a lunar landscape. Take a peek at their Asteroid Mat...
The designs have huge blasted craters on the surface and would be a perfect setting for a lunar clash between your Sci-Fi armies. I like the idea of setting up a forward scouting base on the Moon perhaps and having your forces battle it out against an invading alien army.
As always the mats come in a variety of different sizes and materials depending on what you like out of your mats.
Will you be snapping this up?
"I like the idea of setting up a forward scouting base on the Moon..."
Fantastic looking space moon mat.
I’m pretty sure they have utilized an actual image from one of the space missions. Cool image.
Very cool. These would work for Dropleet Commander as well.
That would be really cool. Dropfleet Commander popularised a new look to spaceship battles. Playing on a moon mat would change things up again.
That would be a great mat for a game of Counterblast (or any sci-fi game where the troops are suitably oxygenated!)
I think this would make an interesting mat for Age of Sigmar too. Plenty of blasted landscapes in the game, and the Stormcast Eternals always make me think of drop pods and planetary invasions…
Very versatile .. I could even play X-Wing on it. All a matter of perspective and size. Just need a space worm (Exogorths) to pop out of it