Deep-Cut Studio Add New Trees To Their Terrain Collection

May 28, 2021 by brennon

Deep-Cut Studio has added a new set of trees to their terrain collection allowing you to build up a larger 28/32mm forest on the tabletop.

Wargaming Trees - Deep-Cut Studio

Wargaming Trees // Deep-Cut Studio

There are two new sets of trees for you to tinker with as part of this collection. The first set is a collection of Deciduous Trees which would be fitting for pretty much any setting.

Wargaming Trees Scale #1 - Deep-Cut Studio

Wargaming Trees // Deep-Cut Studio

You've also got the option to add some Fir Trees into the mix allowing you to make a more mountainous region perhaps. All of the trees come ready to go so they are perfect for the lazy folks out there like me who can't be bothered to try and make their own.

Wargaming Trees Scale #2 - Deep-Cut Studio

Wargaming Trees Scale // Deep-Cut Studio

You can of course make your own trees but sometimes it's nice just to be able to pick up a box and get going. With Gale Force Nine not really being on top of their trees selection for Battlefield In A Box, this seems like a good alternative. They aren't too expensive either so they might be a good shout for those wanting to get a forest ready quickly.

Are you going to be checking out these new trees?

"...they are perfect for the lazy folks out there like me who can't be bothered to try and make their own"

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