Brutal Cities Working On Translucent Plastic Sci-Fi Terrain!

November 11, 2022 by brennon

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Brutal Cities has been teasing their upcoming range of Sci-Fi terrain that is actually made using the addition of translucent plastic! It certainly has that excellent Near Future-esque feel to it and should be very handy for those playing games like Infinity.


Fadelight Objective Room // Brutal Cities

The first of the kits that is coming your way is the Fadelight Objective Room which would be great for that game of Infinity I just mentioned. The set comes with sliding doors that can allow you to sneak inside and the columns within provide cover for your teams. There is also additional vent ducting that can be used to block line of sight and offer up a proper bit of cover.

As you can see, the plastic they have used here offers up some excellent ways to light your terrain. You can start introducing LEDs and produce some amazing effects when all of this is set up on the tabletop. This is quite a novel idea and one that I haven't really seen done before. The polycarbonate cladding produces a great effect and is also scratch resistant which is handy.

One of the larger buildings from the Brutal Cities range also gets a floor which fits this "Fadelight" aesthetic. Suddenly, you know when someone is home!


Fadelight Tower // Brutal Cities

I think this looks rather epic and now all I want to see is someone get hoofed out of that, glass smashing and going in all directions. It could work well as a lobby but would also be a solid objective room for your games.

There are also these fantastic kits that I think would be brilliant for those looking to set up hydroponic farms and strange laboratories in their Sci-Fi and Near Future wargames.


Fadelight Greenhouse // Brutal Cities

You could imagine soldiers having to push deeper into this facility, shooting at the terrorists and such that have set up in these facilities. I could see someone doing an excellent job with blood effects on the walls of the building. That also makes me think it would be great for a bit of zombie-based fun!

Lumicore Terrain Preview - Brutal Cities

Fadelight Terrain Preview // Brutal Cities

There are a bunch of additional options coming out for you to play around with. I think if this goes well and the range expands, it would be brilliant for the collection to grow and add loads of additional facilities into the mix.

Watch out for the full release of this range from the 25th November!

"I could see someone doing an excellent job with blood effects on the walls of the building. That also makes me think it would be great for a bit of zombie-based fun!"

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