Battlefront To Build 15mm Premium Terrain Range

February 25, 2016 by brennon

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Battlefront have been putting together a range of terrain for use in 15mm that will all be pre-painted and battlefield ready. See what you think of some of the buildings below from their Premium Property Range which would be great for a range of modern games...

Steelworks Factory

The Steelworks that you see above comes during May and would be great as an objective building for you to fight over. Following on from that the next one that we've picked out would be the Ruined Buildings which are arriving in June.

Ruined Buildings

Following on from that we look to more residential buildings including the Estate House. You could mix these in with a range of the different buildings they have coming in August and September too.

Estate House

Finally coming in November we have a wonderful looking Damaged Eastern Church. This is very much a centrepiece that will sit in the middle of your tabletop and be something to rally around potentially.

Damaged Eastern Church

Check out more of their range on the links above...

Which is your favourite building?

"Finally coming in November we have a wonderful looking Damaged Eastern Church..."

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