Pick Up Battle Box For PWork’s Altar Of The Dead Gods

August 9, 2024 by brennon

PWork Wargames put together a Battle Box for those looking to get stuck into their game, Altar Of The Dead Gods. You can get everything in one pack so you can get started with this game of eldritch horror and brutal combat.

Altar Of The Dead Gods Battlebox - PWork Wargames

Altar Of The Dead Gods Battle Box // PWork Wargames

Inside the Battle Box, you get the Rulebook alongside Deck Primus and Secundus which gives you all of the main rules and the decks of cards you'll need for running all of the warbands that are available in the game. The set also features the tokens that you'll need for marking specific conditions and there is also the Buried Temple terrain which is modular and can be used to set up all of the scenarios from the rulebook.

Altar Of The Dead Gods Battlebox Contents - PWork Wargames

Altar Of The Dead Gods Battle Box Contents // PWork Wargames

All you'd need to buy is the Game Mat and you'd have everything bar the miniatures. What's quite nice about Altar Of The Dead Gods is that you can use whatever miniatures you like so dive into the myriad of ranges out there covering Horror, Pulp and Fantasy and just choose the miniatures you like the most.

If you'd like to know more about Altar Of The Dead Gods, you can check out our videos on the game below...

Unboxing: Altar Of The Dead Gods - The Terrain, Rules & More

Let's Play: Altar Of The Dead Gods - Pilgrims Of The Church Vs Vampires

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