Advanced Terrain Bring Domus Ruins

August 5, 2011 by dracs

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Advanced Terrain have set up a Kickstarter Project to start supplying you with their new terrain, the Domus Ruins.

In case your wondering what a Kickstarter Project is, here's what Advanced Terrain say on their site:

  1. They provide a site where creators can test out the demand for their creative works with a Kickstarter "project".
  2. People can check out the ideas on the site, and become a "Backer" of projects they like.
  3. Backers pledge a certain amount of money in exchange for a "Reward", usually the product once it is complete.
  4. If the project finds enough Backers to meet its goal, Kickstarter collects the pledges, the creators go through with their work, and the Backers receive their Rewards.
  5. If the project does not find enough Backers, no money changes hands at all and the creators have to go back to the drawing board to improve their offering.

I have to say that the terrain itself looks rather nice and functional. A few of these scattered over your table will definitely help to break up line of sight and provide your minis with some cover.

So what do you guys think of these? Would any of you be tempted to help back this new endeavour? Leave us your thoughts below.

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